How to overcome today's challenges with Stratos-AI®

We've collected a short selection of use cases to illustrate how Stratos-AI® can accelerate your next IT project.

NIS2 Compliance

The EU Commission has submitted a proposal to strengthen the security requirements with an expansion of the scope of the new NIS Directive. Get insights as to how you can prepare in time for the new NIS2 directive with Stratos-AI® Get insights to how Stratos-AI® can help you do it cheaper, faster, and more securely.

Cost Control

Overdimensioned IT, zombie servers, vendor lock-in, lacking overview of licenses... Too high spendings on IT can have many reasons. Learn how Stratos-AI® can help you reduce your technology spend to your actual usage. So you make sure your technology spendings are aligned with your actual needs.

Security and compliance

IT Security and Compliance are crucial areas for ensuring a well-functioning business. Get insights to how Stratos-AI® can help you automate some of the basic tasks and stay alert to issues, such as lacking firewalls and server lifecycles.


Cloud? Hybrid? On-premises? No two companies are alike and neither are their IT preferences. By containerizing workloads, your IT landscape is ready for any change. Check out how Stratos-AI® enables you to prototype, test, and deploy workloads in containers.


Businesses look towards the cloud for scalability and for transforming their setup to incorporate new technologies. For the majority, the cloud has become question not of if but of how. Get insights to how Stratos-AI® can help you do it cheaper, faster, and more securely.

CMDB With Stratos-AI

With Stratos-AI® you can keep your CMDB updated automatically and gain a realtime overview of all internal dependencies. Our platform integrates with major CMDB and ITSM solutions, such as ServiceNow, Freshservice, and Cherwell.